/*----------------VARIABILI GLOBALI----------------*/
var language = [];
language["CODICE_PRODOTTO"] = "Item code";
language["DESCRIZIONE"] = "Description";
language["PRODUTTORE"] = "Brand";
language["PREZZO"] = "Price";
language["DATA_VALIDITA"] = "Validity date";
language["QUANTITA"] = "Q.ty";
language["CONTATTO"] = "Reference person";
language["LOCALITA"] = "Locality";
language["NOTE"] = "Note";
language["NONOTE"] = "No note found";
language["LOGO"] = "Logo";
language["CANCELLA"] = "Delete";
language["AGGIUNGI"] = "Add";
language["AGGIUNGIFIL"] = "Add filter";
language["GRUPPO"] = "Group";
language["PER_CODICE"] = "By code";
language["UGUALE"] = "Equal";
language["INIZIA"] = "Begin";
language["SIMILE"] = "Similar";
language["CODICE_WVA"] = "WVA code";
language["PER_DESCRIZIONE"] = "By description";
language["RICERCA_AVANZATA"] = "Advanced search";
language["PER_PRODUTTORE"] = "By manufacturer";
language["PRODUTTTORE"] = "Brand";
language["PER_GRUPPO"] = "By assemblage group";
language["REIMPOSTA"] = "Reset";
language["INIZIA_RICERCA"] = "Start search";
language["FILTRO"] = "Filter";
language["RIMUOVI_FILTRO"] = "Remove filter";
language["CODICE"] = "Code";
language["CRITERI"] = "Selection criteria";
language["OBBLIGATORI"] = "Mandatory";
language["FACOLTATIVI"] = "Proposed";
language["ANNULLA"] = "Cancel";
language["TIPO_GRAFICO"] = "Chart type";
language["CHIUDI"] = "Close";
language["IMMAGINE_PROD"] = "Item image";
language["ATTENZIONE"] = "Warning";
language["MSG_ATTENZIONE"] = "Compile some following fields:
Assemblage group
language["MSG_ARTICOLO_PRESENTE"] = "Item already inserted in cart. Increase the quantity?";
language["MSG_ARTICOLO_IN_ATTESA"] = "Create a new cart to insert the item or add it to an existing one";
language["PASSWORD_NON_CORR"] = "Password not correspondent";
language["NOME_UTENTE"] = "Username";
language["RAGIONE_SOCIALE"] = "Corporate name";
language["INDIRIZZO"] = "Address";
language["CAP"] = "ZIP code";
language["PROVINCIA"] = "Province";
language["TELEFONO"] = "Telephone";
language["FAX"] = "Fax";
language["MOBILE"] = "Mobile";
language["CODICE_FISCALE"] = "Fiscal code";
language["PARTITA_IVA"] = "VAT number";
language["EMAIL"] = "E-mail";
language["CARICA_LOGO"] = "Upload logo";
language["SALVA"] = "Save";
language["ATTENDERE_PREGO"] = "Please wait...";
language["SALVATAGGIO_IN_CORSO"] = "Data saving in progress...";
language["MODIFICA_DATI"] = "Personal data modification";
language["MSG_MODIFICA_DATI"] = "Data saved successfully";
language["STATO_RICHIESTA"] = "Request status";
language["PROCESSO_FALLITO"] = "Process failed";
language["ERRORE"] = "Error";
language["ELABORAZIONE_IN_CORSO"] = "Elaboration in progress...";
language["ELABORAZIONE_DI"] = "Elaboration of";
language["MSG_CONFERMA_CANC"] = "Are you sure to delete the selected folder and own content?";
language["NUOVA_CARTELLA"] = "New folder";
language["RINOMINA_CARTELLA"] = "Rename folder";
language["CREA"] = "Create";
language["RINOMINA"] = "Rename";
language["NOME_CARTELLA"] = "Folder name";
language["CARICA_FILE"] = "Upload file";
language["MSG_CARICA_FILE"] = "File uploaded successfully";
language["CARICA"] = "Upload";
language["SELEZIONA_FILE"] = "Select file";
language["FILE"] = "File";
language["VALORIZZATO"] = "Valued";
language["NUOVO"] = "New";
language["INSERISCI"] = "Insert";
language["NUOVO_CARRELLO"] = "New cart";
language["MODIFICA_CARRELLO"] = "Update cart";
language["MODIFICA"] = "Modify";
language["AGGIORNA"] = "Update";
language["MSG_CANCELLA_CARRELLO"] = "Delete the selected cart?";
language["MSG_CARRELLO_ATTIVO"] = "The contact has an active cart. Empty the cart before to delete the contact.";
language["AGGIUNGI_PRODOTTO"] = "Add item";
language["RIMUOVI_PRODOTTO"] = "Remove item";
language["MITTENTE"] = "From";
language["DESTINATARIO"] = "To";
language["OGGETTO"] = "Subject";
language["INVIO_DOC_DA_INFORICAMBI"] = "Sending document";
language["MESSAGGIO"] = "Messagge";
language["INVIA"] = "Send";
language["CONFERMA"] = "Confirm";
language["MSG_EMAIL_INVIATA"] = "E-mail sent";
language["FILTRA_PER_VERSIONE"] = "Filter for version";
language["CONFERMA_PWD"] = "Confirm password";
language["GRUPPO_CERCARE"] = "Group to search";
language["CODICE_CERCARE"] = "Code to search";
language["PAGINA"] = "Page";
language["DI"] = "of";
language["NUOVA_CARTELLA"] = "New folder";
language["RIMUOVI_CARTELLA"] = "Delete folder";
language["MSG_RIMUOVI_FILE"] = "Are you sure to delete the selected file?";
language["DA_CODICE"] = "From code";
language["A_CODICE"] = "To code";
language["DATI_AGGIUNTIVI"] = "Additional data";
language["ESPORTA"] = "Export";
language["SELEZIONA"] = "Select";
language["PRODOTTO_RISERVATO"] = "Item having reserved price. Contact the manufacturer or distributer of zone.";
language["LISTINO_RISERVATO"] = "Reserved pricelist. Contact the manufacturer or distributer of zone.";
language["SELEZIONA_REGIONE"] = "Select the region:";
language["MSG_SELEZIONA_GRUPPO"] = "Select the type of vehicle to perform the search";
language["MSG_CANCELLA_CARRELLO"] = "Delete the selected cart?";
language["CARICAMENTO_FILE_IN_CORSO"] = "Uploading file in progress...";
language["RECORD_NON_TROVATO"] = "Record not found";
language["TESTO_SEGNALAZIONE"] = "Item code: {0} {1}";
language["INVIA_SEGNALAZIONE"] = "Signal";
language["TIPO_SEGNALAZIONE"] = "Signalling type";
language["SEGNALAZIONE_CODICI"] = "Codes signalling";
language["MSG_SEGNALAZIONE"] = "Dear customer,
thank you for signalling. We will verify the information to the aim to improve the service.
Bancadati Sofinn Staff";
language["PERS"] = "Customize";
language["ESTRAI"] = "Extract";
language["COD_SENZA_PUNTI"] = "Whitout dots";
language["COD_SENZA_SPAZI"] = "Without whitespaces";
language["COD_SENZA_SLASHES"] = "Whitout slashes (/)";
language["COD_SENZA_ZERI_INIZIALI"] = "Whitout leading zeros";
language["COD_SENZA_TRATTINI"] = "Whitout hyphens (-)";
language["SALVA_IMPOSTAZIONI"] = "Save settings";
language["CODICE_PRODUTTORE"] = "Manufacturer code";
language["LISTINO_ORIGINALE"] = "OE flag (YES/NO)";
language["CODICE_VETTURA"] = "Vehicle code";
language["CODICE_SEGNALE"] = "Signal code";
language["CODICE_FAMIGLIA"] = "Family code";
language["CATEGORIA_SCONTO"] = "Discount category";
language["CODICE_CATALOGO"] = "Catalog code";
language["PESO"] = "Weight";
language["CAMPI_EXPORT"] = "Fields to export";
language["TRATTAMENTO_CODICE"] = "Code treatment";
language["CONDIZIONI_EXPORT"] = "Conditions";
language["TESTATA_CAMPI"] = "Header fields";
language["DA_DATA"] = "From date";
language["A_DATA"] = "To date";
language["MSG_NO_ELAB_FILE"] = "Is not possible make elaborations more than once";
language["EXPORT_DELPHI"] = "Delphi layout (YES/NO)";
language["FISSO"] = "Fixed length fields";
language["COMPARA_IMMAGINI"] = "Compare images";
language["CHIUDI_COMPARAZIONE"] = "Close comparison";
language["COMPARATORE_IMMAGINI"] = "Comparator";
language["COMPARA_ORA"] = "Compare now!";
language["COMPONENTI"] = "Components";
language["KIT"] = "Kit";
language["COMPONENTE"] = "Component";
language["KITS"] = "Kits";
language["INCROCIO_DA_OE"] = "Comparison from OE code";
language["TUTTI_CROSS"] = "All cross references";
language["DESC_AMD"] = "List of cross references provided by {0} with competitors";
language["DESC_AMI"] = "List of cross references supplied by other competitors with the code {0}";
language["DESC_AMO"] = "List of cross references generated by OE codes crossed with the code {0} and AM codes of the list";
language["DESC_AMT"] = "Total List of cross references";
language["CODICE_COLLEGATO_OE"] = "OE codes in common";
language["MOSTRA_TUTTI_CROSS"] = "Show the tab All cross references at the beginning";
language["RICHIEDE_RIAVVIO"] = "Requires restart of Catalistino";
language["CERCA_MODELLO"] = "Search the model";
language["SENZA_VIRGOLA"] = "Replace at the price the dot with the comma";
language["OPZIONI_EXPORT"] = "Export options";
language["DISPONIBILITA"] = "Availability";
language["ORDINA"] = "Order";
language["PRODOTTO_NO_MAGAZZINO"] = "The selected item does not exist in this warehouse.";
language["CODICE_CERCATO"] = "Searched code";
language["USATO"] = "Used price";
language["UN"] = "Net used price";
language["NETTO"] = "Net price";
language["FORMATO_FILE"] = "File format";
language["ESTENSIONE_FILE"] = "File extension";
language["SCARICA"] = "Download";
language["AGGIUNGI_COMPETITOR"] = "Add competitor";
language["ELABORAZIONE_COMPLETATA"] = "Processing completed";
language["MARCHIO_RIFERIMENTO"] = "Reference brand";
language["OE_DA_ESTRARRE"] = "OE fields to extract";
language["AM_DA_ESTRARRE"] = "AM fields to extract";
language["COMPETITOR_RAFFRONTO"] = "Competitor {0}";
language["CROSS_DIRETTI"] = "Direct cross references";
language["CROSS_INDIRETTI"] = "Indirect cross references";
language["CROSS_DA_OE"] = "Cross references by crossing through OE";
language["MSG_SELEZIONA_OE_AM"] = "You must select the column OE and/or a competitor";
language["VALNOTA"] = "Select the technical note's value to filter";
language["NOTA"] = "Select the technical note to filter";
language["SFOGLIA"] = "Browse...";
language["AGGIUNGI_OE"] = "Add OE column";
language["APRI_COMPARATORE"] = "Open comparison";
language["COMPARA_NOTE"] = "Compare technical notes";
language["ESTRAI_AM_COLONNE"] = "Extract all AM into the row";
language["MSG_CARATTERI_MIN"] = "Field code must contains at least 3 characters to search in way 'Begin'";
language["ESTRAI_CODICI_INIZIANO"] = "Extracting items beginning with...";
language["ESTRAI_CODICI_FAMIGLIA"] = "Extracting items for family codes";
language["MSG_ESTRAZIONE_VUOTA"] = "Extraction process didn't item results";
language["ESTRAI_CODICI_SCONTI"] = "Extracting items for discount category";
language["APRI_CATALOGO"] = "Open {0} extrenal catalogue";
language["TIPO_LOCATOR"] = "Business unit";
language["PAESE"] = "Country";
language["MSG_SELEZIONA_RIF"] = "You must select the reference brand";
language["SOLO_CROSS"] = "Extract only codes with comparisons";
language["CERCA_MOTORE"] = "Search the engine code";
language["PREZZO_PRECEDENTE"] = "Previous price";
language["DATA_PRECEDENTE"] = "Previous validity date";
language["TIPOLOGIA"] = "Price type";
language["DELTA"] = "Delta web";
language["DELTA_PRECEDENTE"] = "Delta previous price";
language["TRACCIATO_FILE"] = "File layout";
language["ARTICOLI_NON_ASSOCIATI"] = "Items list not inserted";
language["ARTICOLI_ASSOCIATI"] = "All items are inserted";
language["FILTRA_PRODUTTORE"] = "Filter by manufacturer";
language["FILTRA_COSTRUTTORE"] = "Filter by constructor";
language["TUTTI"] = "All";
language["N_TIPO_TECDOC"] = "Type number TECDOC";
language["MSG_GET_TYPENR"] = "The typed code corresponds to more than a vehicle.
Select vehicle to search.
language["NESSUN_VEICOLO_TECDOC"] = "No vehicle corresponds at this TECDOC type number";
language["NUMERO_MARCHI"] = "Total brands: ";
language["TIPO_VETTURA"] = "Vehicle type";
language["ARTICOLO_AGGIUNTO"] = "Item added to cart";
language["ELIMINA_FILE"] = "Delete all {0} files";
language["CONFERMA_ELIMINAZIONE"] = "Are you sure to delete all {0} file processed previously?";
language["FILE_ELIMINATI"] = "Files deleted successfully";
language["AVV_CHIUSURA_NON_CORRETTA"] = "You're about to close Inforicambi incorrectly. Use the logout button.";
language["CONSULTAZIONI_RESTANTI"] = "Remaining number plates: {0}";
language["ULTIMA_TARGA"] = "Last number plates consulted: {0}";
language["PASSWORD"] = "Password";
language["CARRELLI"] = "Shopping carts";
language["MSG_PROD_CAR_ESIT"] = "Do you want to add the item to an existing shopping cart?";
language["MSG_SVUOTA_CARRELLO"] = "Empty the selected cart?";
language["RICERCA_ARTICOLI_IN_MAG"] = "Items will be search in this store";
language["PER_CATENE"] = "By snow chains";
language["MISURA_PNEUM"] = "Tire size";
language["MISURA_CERCHIO"] = "Wheel size";
language["PREZZO_QR"] = "Last updated price by Quattroruote for consultation purpose only. It may be different from the one in the lists exported from Inforicambi.";
language["PREVENTIVI_RESTANTI"] = "Remaining estimates: {0}";
language["RICAMBIO"] = "SPARE";
language["COSTRUTTORE"] = "Constructor";
language["MODELLO"] = "Model";
language["VERSIONE"] = "Version";
language["DAL"] = "since";
language["FINO_AL"] = "till";
language["SI"] = "YES";
language["NO"] = "NO";
language["TUTTO"] = "All";
language["CODICE_OE"] = "OE code";
language["LATO"] = "Side";
language["ALIMENTAZIONE"] = "Supply";
language["CILINDRATA_CM3"] = "Capacity [cm³]";
language["KW"] = "KW";
language["SISTEMA_TRAZIONE"] = "Traction system";
language["CODICE_COMP"] = "Competitor code";
language["TIPO_COMP"] = "Type of comparison";
language["PORTE"] = "Doors";
language["TRASCINA_X_RID"] = "Drag to resize";
language["PERIODO"] = "Period";
language["COLORE"] = "Color";
language["SOSTITUITI"] = "Substitutions";
language["VEICOLO"] = "Vehicle";
language["ELABORA"] = "Process";
language["SCARICA_OE_MANCANTI"] = "Download missing OE cross references";
language["ULTERIORE_DESCRIZIONE"] = "Further description";
language["PERIODO_COSTRUTTIVO"] = "Constructive period/Car frame";
language["ESTRAI_TUTTI"] = "Extract all the competitors";
language["ANALISI"] = "Sofia";
language["MSG_ATTENZIONE_ANALISI"] = "Required fields:
language["TIPO_SOSTI"] = "Type of replacement";
language["CODICE_SOSTI"] = "Replacement code";
language["CIRCOLANTE_REGIONE"] = "Vehicles circulating by region";
language["CIRCOLANTE_PROVINCIA"] = "Vehicles circulating by province";
language["ITALIA"] = "ITALY";
language["CIRCOLANTE"] = "circolante";
language["MARCHIO_DISTRIBUTORE"] = "Dealer brand";
language["MARCHIO_COMP"] = "Competitor brand";
language["MOTORE"] = "Engine";
language["NORMATIVA"] = "Regulations";
language["SCARICA_SOSTI"] = "Download the substitutions";
language["ALLESTIMENTO"] = "Equipment";
language["MSG_ATTENZIONE_CIRC_CODICE"] = "Type the item code";
language["MSG_ATTENZIONE_CIRC_APPS"] = "Select at least one of following fields:
language["COVERING"] = "Vehicles coverage";
language["VETTURE_AGGIUNTE"] = "Added vehicles for the edition: ";
language["CODICI_AGGIUNTI"] = "Added items for the edition: ";
language["VEICOLI"] = "Vehicles";
language["RISULTATO"] = "Result";
language["RISULTATI"] = "Results";
language["ELENCO_VENDITORI"] = "Sellers list";
language["MSG_GET_MP"] = "
language["AGGIUNGI_AL_CARRELLO"] = "Add item to the cart";
language["AGGIUNGI_A_MP"] = "Add item to Spare parts square";
language["AGGIUNGI"] = "Add";
language["MSG_ARTICOLO_IN_ATTESA_LISTA"] = "Create a new list to insert the item or add it to an existing one";
language["DATA_INIZIO_VALIDITA"] = "Beginning validity date";
language["DATA_FINE_VALIDITA"] = "End validity date";
language["NUOVA_LISTA"] = "New list";
language["ATTIVA"] = "Active";
language["LISTA"] = "List";
language["NOME"] = "Name";
language["MODIFICA_LISTA"] = "Edit the list";
language["NOTA_PRODOTTO"] = "Note";
language["MODIFICA_PRODOTTO"] = "Edit item";
language["ATTIVO"] = "Active";
language["PER"] = "for";
language["CARICA_LISTA_FILE"] = "Load list from file";
language["CODICI_RIMANENTI"] = "Remaining codes: {0}";
language["EMAIL_SECONDARIA"] = "Secondary email";
language["MSG_EMAIL_SEC"] = "Use the secondary email for Shopping cart/Spare parts square";
language["WWW"] = "Website";
language["MSG_CARICA_FILE_MP"] = "Before uploading a file, make sure that the list has already been created, so that you can get the Id.
Upload the file according to the following layout:
List id; Item code; Brand code; Price; Note";
language["SELEZIONA_VEICOLO"] = "Select vehicle";
language["CONTATTA_VENDITORE"] = "Contact the seller";
language["MSG_ELIM_ART"] = "Remove the selected item?";
language["MSG_ELIM_LISTA"] = "Remove the selected list?";
language["INVIA_DOCUMENTO"] = "Send email";
language["VENDITORI"] = "Sellers";
language["CLIENTE"] = "Customer";
language["MSG_VENDITORE_EMAIL"] = "Select the sellers to whom you want to send the request.";
language["INVIO_IN_CORSO"] = "Sending in progress...";
language["VUOTO_WHATSAPP"] = "Not include prefix eg. (+39)";
language["VUOTO_TELEGRAM"] = "Insert username without the @";
language["MSG_NO_VENDITORI_ART_CARR"] = "There are no sellers associated with the items in the cart";
language["MSG_EMIL_DEST_VENDITORE"] = "Select the seller";
language["MSG_RINNOVA_LISTA"] = "Renew items on the expiring list?";
language["MSG_RINNOVA_ART"] = "Renew the expiring item?";
language["SPOSTA_ARTICOLO"] = "Move item to other list";
language["SELEZIONA_LISTA"] = "Select list";
language["CLICCA_PIU"] = "Click on the + button to view the alternatives linked to the selected item";
language["MSG_ALTERN_VEND"] = "Seller lists do not contain alternatives";
language["SCARICA_EL_PROD"] = "Download manufacturers list";
language["PREZZO_SU_RICHIESTA"] = "Price upon request";
language["MSG_ART_ASSOCIATO"] = "Seller {0} is already associated for this item. Do you want to associate {1}?";
language["INVIA_EMAIL_CLI"] = "Send email to the customer";
language["INVIA_EMAIL_VEN"] = "Send email to the seller";
language["INVIO_LISTA_INFORICAMBI"] = "Sending items list from Inforicambi";
language["INDIETRO"] = "Go back";
language["PROVINCE"] = "province";
language["TOTALE_VETTURE"] = "Total number of vehicles";
language["TOTALE_CIRC_VEICOLO"] = "Total circulating for the selected vehicle: ";
language["TOTALE_CIRC_REGIONE"] = "Total circulating {0}: {1}";
language["TOTALE_CIRC_VEICOLO_SEL"] = "Total number of vehicles in circulation in the list: {0}";
language["FILTRA_REGIONE"] = "Filter by region";
language["FILTRA_PROVINCIA"] = "Filter by province";
var modello_motore, casa;
var tipo_db = 2;
var ecommerce = "";
var delta = 0;
var firstChar = "";
var firstCharExp = "";
var attiva = false;
var tabcross = 0;
var path_img = "include/img/";
var path_icons = "include/img/icons/";
var path_download = [];
path_download["INFORICAMBI"] = "download/";
path_download["CHIARO"] = "/u/ftp/chiaro/";
path_download["SIRX"] = "/u/ftp/bancadatie/";
path_download["SIRWIN"] = "/u/ftp/updates/sirwin/tarupg/";
path_download["ASCII"] = "/u/ftp/updates/tar_catalistini/";
path_download["EXCEL"] = "/u/tariffe/";
path_download["LINK_DOWNLOAD_SOFINN"] = "https://tariffe.inforicambi.it/?filename=";
path_download["SCAMBIO_DATI"] = "./scambio_dati/";
var totalRecord = [];
totalRecord["UC"] = totalRecord["LC"] = totalRecord["AP"] = totalRecord["AC"] = totalRecord["SO"] = totalRecord["OE"] = totalRecord["AM"] = totalRecord["ElencoProdotti"] = totalRecord["ElencoRicerca"] = 0;
var labelStatus = [];
labelStatus["ElencoRicerca"] = labelStatus["ElencoProdotti"] = "Items found: ";
labelStatus["OE"] = labelStatus["AM"] = labelStatus["UC"] = "Cross references found: ";
labelStatus["SO"] = "Substitutions found: ";
labelStatus["AC"] = "Codes found: ";
labelStatus["AP"] = "Applications found: ";
labelStatus["LC"] = "Components found: ";
labelStatus["KI"] = "Kits found: ";
labelStatus["Risultati"] = "Results found: ";
labelStatus["PROVINCE_TROVATE"] = "Provinces found: ";
var sizePopUp = [];
var columnDef = [];
columnDef["ElencoProdotti"] = [
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'cmp', hidden: true, menuDisabled: true},
{header: "Item code", sortable: true, width: 150, dataIndex: 'codice'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'crossoe'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'ultcross'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'sostituzioni'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'codifiche'},
{header: "Description", sortable: true, dataIndex: 'art_descr', id: 'art_descr'},
{header: "Brand", sortable: true, width: 120, dataIndex: 'sup_ragsoc'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'applicazione'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'immagine'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'componenti'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'info'}
columnDef["ElencoProdottiR"] = [
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'cmp', hidden: true, menuDisabled: true},
{header: "Item code", sortable: true, width: 150, dataIndex: 'codice'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'crossoe'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'ultcross'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'sostituzioni'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'codifiche'},
{header: "Description", sortable: true, dataIndex: 'art_descr', id: 'art_descr'},
{header: "Brand", sortable: true, width: 120, dataIndex: 'sup_ragsoc'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'applicazione'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'immagine'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'componenti'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'info'}
columnDef["AM"] = [
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'cmp', hidden: true, menuDisabled: true}, {header: "Item code", sortable: true, width: 150, dataIndex: 'codice'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'sostituzioni'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'codifiche'},
{header: "Description", sortable: true, dataIndex: 'art_descr', id: 'art_descr'},
{header: "Brand", sortable: true, width: 120, dataIndex: 'sup_ragsoc'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'applicazione'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'immagine'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'componenti'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'info'}
columnDef["AMI"] = [
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'cmp', hidden: true, menuDisabled: true}, {header: "Item code", sortable: true, width: 150, dataIndex: 'codice'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'sostituzioni'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'codifiche'},
{header: "Description", sortable: true, dataIndex: 'art_descr', id: 'art_descr'},
{header: "Brand", sortable: true, width: 120, dataIndex: 'sup_ragsoc'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'applicazione'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'immagine'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'componenti'},
{header: "", width: 26, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'info'}
columnDef["AMO"] = [
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labelTabs["UC"] = "Further cross references";
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var treetype = [];
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["", 'All'],
[1, 'Cars - Commercial vehicles'],
[2, 'Bus - Industrial vehicles']
var tipo_grafico = [];
tipo_grafico = [
var tipoveicolo = [];
tipoveicolo = [
["", 'All'],
["A", 'Cars - Commercial vehicles'],
["T", 'Bus - Industrial vehicles']
,["M", 'Engines'] ,["S", 'Axles']];
var typloc = [];
typloc = [
["", ''],
["1", 'Batterie avviamento'],
["2", 'Avvisatori acustici'],
["3", 'Antenne'],
["4", 'Batterie industriali']
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ritipoveicolo = [
[1, 'Cars - Commercial vehicles'],
[2, 'Bus - Industrial vehicles']
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var cond_data = [];
cond_data = [
[">","Greater than"],
[">=","Greater than or equal"],
["<","Less than"],
["<=","Less than or equal"]
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/*----------------VARIABILI GLOBALI----------------*/